2021 Planning Committee Details of Dalron Montrose Ave Development Request for decision

Request for Decision
Montrose and Woodbine Avenue, Sudbury

Presented To: Planning Committee

Presented: Monday, Feb 08, 2021

Report Date Friday, Jan 15, 2021

Type: Public Hearings

File Number: 751-6/20-22

THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by Dalron Construction Ltd. to amend
Zoning By-law 2010-100Z by changing the zoning classification on the subject lands from“C1”, Local
Commercial to “R2-2”, Low Density Residential Two, and “R2-2(S)”, Low Density Residential Two
Special on those lands described as PINs 02115-0262 & 02118-0225, Blocks H & I, Plan M-1044, Lot 2,
Concession 6,Township of McKim, as outlined in the report entitled “Montrose and Woodbine Avenue,
Sudbury,” from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning
Committee meeting on February 8
2021, subject to the following conditions:

1.That the amending by-law for the R2-2-Special zoning includes the following site-specific

i. In addition to the uses permitted in the R2-2 zone, a convenience store, day care centre,
medical office, personal service shop, pet grooming establishment, and pharmacy with a maximum net
floor area of 150 square metres per lot shall be permitted with a required minimum lot area of 650
square metres and frontage of 18.0 m, and subject to the provisions for a Commercial Zone in
section 4.15 and

ii. Driveways for a pair of semi-detached units shall be paired and centred at the common wall.

2. That prior to the enactment of the amending by-law, the owner provide the Development Approvals
Section with a registered survey plan to enable the preparation of the by-law.
3. Conditional approval shall lapse on February 23, 2023 unless Condition 2 above has been met or
an extension has been granted by Council.


Relationship to the Strategic Plan / Health Impact Assessment
Signed By


Report Prepared By Wendy Kaufman Senior Planner
Digitally Signed Jan 15, 21

Manager Review
Alex Singbush
Manager of Development Approvals
Digitally Signed Jan 15, 21

Recommended by the Division
Alex Singbush
Manager of Development Approvals
Digitally Signed Jan 21, 21

Financial Implications
Apryl Lukezic
Co-ordinator of Budgets
Digitally Signed Jan 21, 21

Recommended by the Department
Tony Cecutti
General Manager of Growth and
Digitally Signed Jan 25, 21

Recommended by the C.A.O.
Ed Archer
Chief Administrative Officer
Digitally Signed Jan 26, 21

The application to amend the Zoning By-law is an operational matter under the Planning Act to which
the City is responding. The application contributes to the 2019-2027 City of Greater Sudbury
Strategic Plan goals related to housing, by adding to the range and mix of housing available in

Report Summary

An application for rezoning has been submitted in order to permit 22 semi-detached dwellings, with
local commercial uses also permitted on a portion of the lands. The subject land is designated as
Living Area 1 in the Official Plan and zoned “C1”, Local Commercial.

Staff recommend approval of the application as described in the Resolution section on the basis
that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for
Northern Ontario, the Official Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury, has regard for matters of
provincial interest and represents good planning.

Financial Implications

If the rezoning is approved, staff estimates approximately $88,000 in taxation revenue, based on
the assumption of 22 semi-detached dwelling units at an estimated assessed value of $300,000 per
dwelling unit at the 2020 property tax rates. Staff is unable to determine the amount of taxation
revenue for the non-residential space.

In addition, this development would result in total development charges of approximately $322,000
on the assumption of 22 semi-detached dwelling units and based on the rates in effect as of this
report. Staff is unable to determine the development charges for the non-residential space at this
time as more information is required.

Once development has occurred and the subdivision infrastructure has been transferred to the City,
there will be additional on-going costs for future annual maintenance and capital replacement of
the related infrastructure (ie. Roads, water/wastewater linear pipes, etc).

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

Staff Report


The application proposes to amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Zoning By-law for the City of Greater
Sudbury to permit 22 semi-detached dwellings, with local commercial uses also permitted on a
portion of the lands.

The current C1 zoning permits any dwelling containing not more than two (2) dwelling units, which
would permit the proposed semi-detached built form. However, the C1 zone requires a minimum 18 m
lot frontage and other provisions more appropriate for local commercial uses, which does not align
with the applicant’s proposed semi-detached dwellings. The R2-2 zone would enable the proposed
built form and lot fabric.

The applicant has also requested to maintain the current permission for local commercial uses on a
portion of the property, identified on the applicant’s sketch as Lot 30, 35, 36, 37 and 38. This
would maintain the flexibility to accommodate a local commercial use should the opportunity arise.

The applicant’s site sketch shows the proposed lot fabric to accommodate the semi-detached

Existing Zoning: C1, Local Commercial

The C1 zone permits a limited range of commercial uses restricted to 150 square metres per lot.
Residential uses are permitted in the form of any dwelling containing up to 2 dwelling units, group
home (type 1), and a home daycare.

Requested Zoning: R2-2 and R2-2(S), Low Density Residential Two and Low Density Residential Two

The proposed R2-2 zone would permit the same residential uses permitted in the C1 zone, but with
development standards that would enable the proposed built form. The proposed R2-2(S) zone would
additionally permit local commercial uses on the portion of the property identified on the
applicant’s sketch as Lot 30, 35, 36, 37 and 38.

Location and Site Description:

The subject property is described as PINs 02115-0262 & 02118-0225, Blocks H & I, Plan M-1044, Lot
2, Concession 6, Township of McKim. The subject lands are located at the northeast and southeast
corner of the road allowances for Montrose Avenue and Woodbine Avenue, and are currently vacant.
Construction of both Montrose Avenue and Woodbine Avenue has not been fully completed at this
location. Block I on the north side of Woodbine is 0.6 ha in size and Block H on the south side is
0.5 ha in size. Each has approximately 61 m of frontage. The lands are currently serviced with
municipal water and sanitary sewer. There is a City transit stop on both sides of Woodbine Avenue
approximately 400 m to the east of the subject lands.

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

Surrounding Land Uses:

The area surrounding the site includes:

North: electricity transmission corridor, and vacant medium density residential land
East: Residential use, single and semi-detached dwellings
South: Residential Use, medium density
West: Montrose Avenue road allowance (partially constructed), vacant low-density
residential land

The location map indicates the location of the subject lands to be rezoned and the zoning in the
immediate area.

Site photos show the Montrose and Woodbine road allowances and the existing residential uses
adjacent to the subject lands.

Public Consultation:


Notice of Complete Application was circulated to the public and surrounding property owners on
November 20, 2020 and December 2, 2020. Notice of Public Hearing was circulated to the public and
surrounding property owners on January 21, 2021.The applicant mailed out letters to neighbouring
residents in the area on January 4, 2021. As of the date of this report, the Planning Services
Division has received one phone call and two letters regarding this application. The caller raised
concerns regarding drainage behind the homes fronting on Chestnut Crescent. One letter raises a
range of concerns with commercial development and requests that only residential use be permitted.
The second letter from the neighbouring condominium development to the south requests that a buffer
of trees be provided along the lot line that abuts the condominium.

Policy & Regulatory Framework:

The property is subject to the following policy and regulatory framework:

 2014 Provincial Policy Statement
 2011 Growth Plan for Northern Ontario
 Official Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury, 2006
 Zoning By-law 2010-100Z

Provincial Policy Statements and geographically specific Provincial Plans, along with municipal
Official Plans, provide a policy framework for planning and development in the Province. This
framework is implemented through a range of land use controls such as zoning by-laws, plans of
subdivision and site plans.

Provincial Policy Statement:

Municipalities in the Province of Ontario are required under Section 3 of the Planning Act to
ensure that decisions affecting planning matters are consistent with the Provincial Policy

Section and 1.4.1 of the PPS are relevant to the application. Section identifies
that settlement areas are to be the focus of growth and their vitality and regeneration is to be
promoted. Section 1.4.1 requires municipalities to provide an appropriate range and mix of housing
types and densities to meet the needs of current and future residents.

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

Growth Plan for Northern Ontario:

Municipalities in the Province of Ontario are required under Section 3 of the Planning Act to
ensure that decisions affecting planning matters conform with the Growth Plan for Northern Ontario.
There are no policies that are relevant to this application, therefore the application is
considered to conform to the Growth Plan.

Official Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury:


The subject property is designated as Living Area 1 in the City of Greater Sudbury Official Plan.

Policies 3.2.1(6) establishes the following criteria to be considered when rezoning lands in the
Living Area
1 designation:

a) the site is suitable in terms of size and shape to accommodate the proposed density and
building form;
b) the proposed development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood in terms of scale,
massing, height, siting, setbacks, and the location of parking and amenity areas;
c) adequate on-site parking, lighting, landscaping and amenity areas are provided; and,
d) the impact of traffic on local streets is minimal.

Section 17 identifies a key housing goal is to maintain a balanced mix of ownership and rental
housing, and to encourage a greater mix of housing types and tenure, including encouraging the
production of smaller (one and two bedroom) units to accommodate the growing number of smaller
households. The Official Plan is intended to provide direction as to how housing needs and issues
can be addressed in concert with the CGS Housing and Homelessness Plan.

Zoning By-law 2010-100Z:

The development standards for the requested R2-2 zone require a minimum lot area of 275 square
metres and 9.0 m frontage (plus 1.5 m for corner lots) for a semi-detached dwelling, and permits a
maximum height of 11 m. The minimum required front yard is 7.5 m along Montrose and 6.0 m along
Woodbine, the minimum required rear yard is 7.5 m, the minimum required interior side yard is 1.2
m, and the minimum required corner side yard along Montrose is 7.5 m. The maximum lot coverage is
40%. A minimum of 50% the required front yard is to be maintained as landscaped open space.

Parking is not permitted in the front or corner side yard in the R2-2 zone. Parking for a single,
semi- detached or duplex dwelling is required and has to be provided at a rate of one space per
unit. Parking for local commercial uses varies by the specific type of use, but is generally one
space per 20 square metres net floor area.

The applicant has requested to maintain the permission for local commercial uses on a portion of
the property. The zoning for the C1 Local Commercial Zone would typically require a minimum 650
square metre lot area, and 18 m frontage. A 3.0 m wide planting strip adjacent to the full length
of the lot line would be required abutting any residential zone, and could be reduced to 1.8 m
where an opaque fence
1.5 m in height is provided. Parking would be permitted within 3.0 m of a road or residential zone,
excluding the sight triangle measured 9 m along Montrose and 7.5 m along Woodbine.

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

Site Plan Control and Lot Creation:

A Site Plan Control Application is not required for the development of semi-detached residential
dwellings. Site plan control would be required if commercial uses are proposed, with or without
residential use on the same lot.

The land currently exists as two separately transferrable blocks with one being on the north side
of Woodbine and one on the south side. The owner has indicated that they intend to request an
exemption from part lot control in order to create the proposed lots, which would enable the City
the opportunity to apply conditions to be met prior to lot creation.

Department/Agency Review:


The application has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions. Responses
received have been used to assist in evaluating the application and to formulate appropriate zoning
by-law standards.

Development Engineering has commented that site servicing to lots 28 to 35 has been addressed
through an addition to the approved current construction drawings for the development of Montrose
and Woodbine Avenues. Site servicing to lots 36 to 38 would occur when the development of Montrose
Avenue north of Woodbine Avenue occurs, which may be subject to a cost sharing agreement. It is
required that a lot grading plan be submitted as part of the development process.

Building Services has commented that the proposed commercial use may be subject to site plan
control, and that geotechnical soils report will be required.

Conservation Sudbury has commented that as part of the land division process they may have
conditions of approval including appropriate stormwater management subject to their approval.

Infrastructure Capital Planning Services has commented that prior to issuance of a building permit,
road construction work on Montrose Avenue and Woodbine Avenue must be completed.

These comments have been addressed to the satisfaction of reviewing department and agencies.

Planning Analysis:

Planning staff circulated the development application to internal departments and external agencies
in November 2020. The PPS (2020), the Growth Plan (2011), and Greater Sudbury Official Plan, and
other relevant policies and supporting guidelines were reviewed in their entirety. The following
section provides a planning analysis of the application in respect of the applicable policies,
including issues raised through agency circulation.

The application is consistent with the PPS direction to direct development to fully serviced
settlement areas. Both the PPS and the Official Plan encourage municipalities to provide a range
and mix of housing types and densities. The Official Plan identifies a key housing goal is to
maintain a balanced mix of ownership and rental housing, and to encourage a greater mix of housing
types and tenure. The proposal to construct semi-detached dwellings in this location represents an
opportunity to provide a potentially more affordable form of housing.

The Montrose Avenue road allowance has been a significant topic of discussion as part of the City’s
Transportation Master Plan and Phase 2 of the Official Plan Review. The Montrose Avenue Road
allowance along the west side of the subject lands is owned by the City. The Official Plan
currently shows Montrose Avenue north of Forestdale as a proposed road extending to Maley Drive.

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

Council approved Dalron’s applications for cost sharing and development charge credit for the
portion of Montrose from Forestdale Drive to Woodbine Avenue on August 22, 2017. There are approved
construction drawings for the development of Montrose up to and including Woodbine Avenue. Montrose
Avenue as currently constructed extends from Lasalle Boulevard to approximately 140 metres north of
Forestdale Drive just south of the subject lands. The remaining portion of Montrose to Woodbine is
partially constructed, as is the portion of Woodbine that extends through the subject lands.

Area residents have raised concerns with the traffic from the future connection of Montrose to
Maley Drive. This has resulted in a series of Council resolutions directing staff to work to
identify a recommended alignment/design for Montrose Avenue as a complete street that protects the
residential character of the neighbourhood. The recommendation will be brought forward as part of
Phase 2 of the Official Plan review process, which is currently underway. Given the location of the
subject lands, it is expected they would not be impacted by the recommended alignment/design for
Montrose Avenue, but if so, the proposed lots would have sufficient depth to accommodate any

The subject lands are currently designated Living Area 1 and are zoned C1, which would enable local
commercial uses. The Living Area 1 designation permits a range of uses including residential uses
and small-scale commercial intended to serve the needs of local residents to a maximum of 150
square metres per location.

The applicant has indicated the purpose of the rezoning application is due to an inability to find
tenants for the commercial lands. The proposed rezoning to R2-2 to permit residential development
is recommended to be compatible with the adjacent residential uses. The proposed 22 semi-detached
units would result in
a residential density of 21 dwelling units per hectare, which is below the threshold of 36 units
per hectare permitted in low-density residential areas. The minimum area required by the zoning
by-law for each semi- detached unit can be provided. There is a mix of residential densities
permitted in this part of New
Sudbury, though the built form generally consists of semi-detached or row dwellings in close
proximity to the subject lands along Montrose and Woodbine. The proposed density and built form is
considered appropriate in this location and is compatible with the adjacent residential uses, and
no special development standards are recommended.

The loss of commercially-zoned land is also a consideration in the review of this application. The
Living Area 1 designation permits small-scale commercial uses intended to serve the needs of local
residents, to a maximum of 150 square metres per location. The Official Plan directs that local
commercial uses are intended to be isolated rather than forming a group or cluster that could
potentially change the residential character of an area. The site of the subject lands, being at
the corner of Montrose Avenue and Woodbine Avenue, is where local commercial lands are typically
located. Zoning to enable local commercial uses
can promote the development of a mix of land uses that can serve the daily needs of residents.

Given the proposed rezoning would reduce the lands available for local commercial uses, the
applicant has provided supplementary information with their application describing the availability
of local commercial uses in proximity to the subject lands. There are two convenience stores within
1 km of the subject lands, and there is a large pharmacy at the corner of Lasalle and Montrose. A
home daycare, personal services and pet grooming are permitted within residential dwellings on a
small scale as home occupations.

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

The applicant has also requested to maintain the current permission for C1 local commercial uses on
a portion of the subject lands, identified on the applicant’s sketch as Lot 30, 35, 36, 37 and 38.
The remainder of the lands are proposed to be rezoned to R2-2, specifically all the lands adjacent
to the existing residential uses on the south side of Woodbine, and the first two lots on the north
side of Woodbine that front on Windermere Crescent. This will prohibit new local commercial
development to occur adjacent to these existing residential uses but enable commercial development
on the corner lots or those that front on Montrose on the north portion of the subject lands, still
within walking distance of nearby residents.

In terms of development standards, the standards for the C1 zone would be appropriate for the
portion of the subject lands where local commercial uses are proposed to be maintained. These
minimum standards would serve to prevent a situation where a semi-detached unit is separately owned
and used for local commercial purposes sharing a common wall with a separately owned residential
unit. It is recommended that local commercial uses continue to be restricted to a maximum net floor
area of 150 square metres per lot and subject to the minimum area, minimum frontage, location of
parking, and provision of landscaping. This will also serve to promote compatibility with existing
adjacent residential uses that front on Windermere Crescent and the residential use proposed on the
subject lands themselves.

It is recommended to require paired driveways for the lots proposed to front on Montrose, and the
first two lots on the north and south side of Woodbine closest to the corner. This is intended to
minimize the number of entrances onto an arterial road or close to the intersection with an
arterial. The applicant is advised that no driveways or parking is permitted in the sight triangle,
measured 9 m along Montrose and
7.5 m along Woodbine.

While the current rezoning application would enable the proposed uses, there would be other
approvals required in order to enable the proposed development. Firstly, the owner has indicated
they intend to request to create the lots by way of exemption from part lot control. Such a request
would necessitate circulation to City departments and Conservation Sudbury, and passage of a by-law
by Council prior to the creation of lots. Secondly, a site plan control agreement would be required
if commercial uses are proposed. Matters such as road construction, site servicing, lot grading and
stormwater management can be addressed through the part-lot control exemption process and, where
applicable, through preparation
of a site plan control agreement.


The Planning Division undertook a circulation of the application to ensure that all technical and
planning matters have been satisfactorily addressed.

The following are the principles of the proposed site-specific zoning by-law:

 To rezone the lands from C1 to R2-2 and R2-2(S), in order to permit 22 semi-detached
dwellings, with local commercial uses also permitted on a portion of the lands.

Staff have considered a full range of factors through a detailed review when forming the
recommendation of approval for this application.

Title: Dalron Construction Ltd., Application for Zoning By-law Amendment, Montrose and Woodbine,

Date: January 11, 2021

Staff is satisfied that the application is consistent with the PPS and conforms to the Growth Plan
and the Official Plan. Staff are of the opinion that the proposed zoning by-law amendment is
appropriate based on the following:

 The proposed development will contribute to the range and mix of housing available in the
area, while maintaining the opportunity for local commercial uses on a portion of the lands.
 The site is suitable for the uses proposed, including the proposed residential density and
building form.
 The proposal has been evaluated in the context of the surrounding and future land uses in
terms of scale, massing, height, siting and setbacks, and the location of parking and amenity
areas, and is
considered appropriate.
 Adequate parking, landscaping and amenity areas can be provided.
 The impact on local streets will be minimal.

Staff recommend approval of the application as described in the Resolution section on the basis
that it is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan for
Northern Ontario, the Official Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury, has regard for matters of
provincial interest and represents good planning.

Growth and Infrastructure

Subject Property being PINs 02115-0262 &
02118-0225, Blocks H & I, Plan M-1044, Lot 2, Concession 6, Township of McKim,
Montrose Avenue, Sudbury,
City of Greater Sudbury

Date: 2020 11 10

Photo 1. Montrose road allowance where the completed portion ends to the south of the subject
lands, with adjacent residential (condominium) development on the right. Photo taken looking north
on December 15, 2020.
Photo 2. Subject lands showing the Montrose road allowance south of the Woodbine road allowance,
with adjacent residential (condominium) development to the south. Photo taken looking south on
December 15, 2020.

Photo 3. Subject lands and the Montrose road allowance north of the Woodbine road allowance. Photo
taken looking north on December 15, 2020.

Photo 4. Subject lands showing the Woodbine road allowance east of the Montrose road allowance.
Photo taken looking west from Chestnut/Windermere on December 15, 2020.

Photo 5. Subject lands showing the Woodbine road allowance east of the Montrose road allowance.
Photo taken looking east on December 15, 2020.
Photo 6. Low density residential use at the northeast corner of Woodbine and Windermere Crescent.
Photo taken looking north on December 15, 2020.

Photo 7. Low density residential use at the northwest corner of Woodbine and Windermere Crescent.
Photo taken looking west on December 15, 2020.

Photo 8. Low density residential use at the southwest corner of Woodbine and Chestnut Crescent.
Photo taken looking west on December 15, 2020.


To whom this may concern,
Ut.C: 2 L ZU20

This letter is regards of the construction of the Commercial properties R2-2, o RJ’c S’iOJES
Township of McKim on Montrose Avenue in Sudbury.

My husband and I currently live at in Sudbury and have been
living in this residence for nearly eight years. There were so many reasons why we had bought this
house then, and the main reason was because there was nature, a forest, and peace found in our
backyard which is hard to find in New Sudbury. We had purchased this house and planned on making
this our forever home to eventually raise a future family together. Since our eight year purchase
we have been through many ups and downs as a community. Dalron built major condomaniums which
destroyed part of nature and tranquility. There was a microburst that hit our community which
took down most of our mature trees. And now, we have had notice that there will be a commercial
property built right in our backyard. At
one point, we knew that other houses were going to be build to grow this community which was
something we had to accept, but we did not expect to have a commercial property exactly at the
foot of our backyard. We were originally told that there would be no buildings being built near
our backyard because there is a natural spring that crosses it, and the Ministry of Natural
Ressources did not approve this ecosystem being destroyed. However, it looks like it will be
destroyed with a new commercial property. We not only have lost so much nature, and forest over
the years, but now with these commercial properties, we are losing even more. We are losing our
peace, the nature, our privacy, and most importantly our security. We will no longer face the trees
in our backyard, but instead we will see a concrete wall with customers coming in out of this
property. There will be lights on and cameras at all hours of the day which will take away more
privacy from us. Since the opening of the new Maley Drive Highway, there has been more crime in our
neighborhood since there is more traffic in the area. I get broken into my vehicle at least once a
month, and my shed has been broken into multiple times. Where as prior to the condos and the
highway being built, no one knew that our street even existed. Now, having these commercial
properties right in our backyard, will increase the crime and possibly even violence to our home. I
will not feel as safe for myself or my future family. We are so devastated with
the changes that have happened within less than eight years and now it’s getting even worse. And
because of these commercial properties, my husband and I are desperatly trying to move from this
house that took us so long to make a home. I no longer want to raise children in this
neighborhood. We want to leave so badly because all the reasons why we had purchased this home, is
now completely gone. We already know that this letter will not make any slightest change to Dalron
and the city’s approval, but we thought we will lose either way by not writting this letter. We
are desperatly asking to not have these commercial properties built in this area in order to
preserve the nature, the peace, the privacy and the safety of our community. Having these
properties will change even more of our neighborhood. Dalron’s quote for the Montrose Avenue
properties “emmerse yourself in nature” no longer applies to this neighborhood. Nature is far
from this place especially having commercial properties in the center of this community. Please
reconcider the plans for commercial useage, and change it to residential only so that others can
experience the same experience we have had for eight years…tranquility, nature and peace.



December 23, 2020
i 2020


Alex Singbush
Manager of Development Approvals
Planning Services Division,City of Greater Sudbury


Re: File 751-6/20-22, Applicant Dalron Construction Ltd


Dear Sir

The purpose of this letter is to comment on the application from Dalron Construction Ltd to rezone
property on Montrose Ave from C1-1Commercial to R2-2 Low Density Residential.

I own Unit 21in Village of Montrose where my parents reside. I am part of a 6 condo unit building
structure (Units 19-24) that abuts the applicants land. The president of the Villages of Montrose(.
-)resides in Unit 24. After discussions with him this letter represents our position with respect
Dalron’s application.

We have no objections with the rezoning itself in fact we would prefer a residential use rather
than a commercial use. Our request is simply to have the applicant (Dalron Construction) provide a
buffer of tree along the lot line that abuts our condo units. This buffer will provide privacy for
both the residents of Villages of Montrose who currently enjoy a very private and quiet back yard
and the new residential units that will be built on the applicants land. We respectfully ask that
the buffer of trees be of sufficient size so that the buffer 11does the job” within a reasonable
time frame.

I would appreciate a response from the City with respect to this request so that I can keep all
residents informed.

Respectfully submitted
Ron Henderson


Planning Services
Box 5000, Station A
200 Brady Street
Sudbury, Ontario P3A 5P3

November 20, 2020
File: 751-6/20-22



having been submitted to the City of Greater Sudbury

IN THE MATTER OF AN application under Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter

Applicant: Dalron Construction Limited

Location: PINs 02115-0262 & 02118-0225, Blocks H & I, Plan M-1044, Lot 2, Concession 6,
Township of McKim (Montrose Avenue, Sudbury)

Application: To amend By-law 2010-1OOZ being the City of Greater Sudbury Zoning By-law from
“C-1”, Local Commercial to “R2-2”, Low Density Residential Two, and ‘R2-2(S)’, Low Density
Residential Two Special.

Proposal: The application proposes residential use in the form of 22 semi-detached
dwellings, with local commercial uses also permitted on a portion of the lands.

Any person interested in voicing his/her comments on the application may write to the City of
Sudbury, Alex Singbush, Manager of Development Approvals, Planning Services Division, PO Box
5000, Station A, 200 Brady Street, Sudbury, ON P3A 5P3. If you are aware of any person interested
or affected by these applications who has not received a copy of this notice, it would be
appreciated if
you would so inform him/her.

Please note: Comments submitted on these matters including the originator’s name and address
become part of thpublic record, may be viewed by the general public and may be published in a
planning report, included in a Planning Committee Agenda and posted on the City’s website.

By submitting information, including print or electronic information, for presentation to City
Council or Committee you are indicating that you have obtained the consent of persons whose
personal information is included in the information to be disclosed to the public.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Council
for the City of Greater Sudbury to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal but the person or public body
does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of
Greater Sudbury before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal
the decision.





If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written
submissions to the City of Greater Sudbury before the by-law is passed, the person or public body
may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal
unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Greater Sudbury on the proposed zoning
by-law amendment, you must make a written request to the City of Greater Sudbury, City Clerk, PO
Box 5000, Station A 200 Brady Street. Sudbury, ON P3A 5P3.

The owner of any land that receives this notice, where the land contains seven or more residential
units, is requested to post a copy of this notice in a location that is visible to all of the

Additional information and material are available to the public for inspection from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Monday to Fi”iday, excluding holidays at Torn Davies Square (appointment recommended).

For more information please call Wendy Kaufman, Senior Planner, in Planning Services at
705-674-4455, Extension 4318 or attend at the offices at 200 Brady Street, Tom Davies Square, 3rd

Additional notices will be provided when the application is scheduled for a public meeting.

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