Will Council be able to look past all these Concerns

The Subdivision plans over satellite view of area, and the Nickeldale Forest Walking Trail

The community raises major concerns about the proposed Dalron development including the complete deletion of a vital community greenspace used for decades, as a multi-use, forest walking/hiking and biking trail connector that stretches from Montrose Blvd in the east to the Magnolia Blvd. trailhead and the New Sudbury Historical Trail to the west.

Issues with the appropriateness of the proposed subdivision’s design, liveability and ecological greenspace deletion..

Serious and very strong warnings issued by residents of the Forestdale Drive neighborhood regarding exponentially downgraded Safety for the neighborhood if the roadway is made a connector to a new build out of subdivision..

Safety for Children and Families who walk, play, and travel up and down the street (drive), and also increased hazards for drivers in both directions.


Will Council be able to look past all these concerns and say

“Public Comment has been received and considered and had no effect on Planning
Committee’s decision as the application represents good planning.”

Like they have before..

We trust that they will not, and we trust that our concerns will result in a re-draft and a re-consultation on the planned subdivision, so that we, as a community of taxpayers can have a say in how our City is developed and how it will look, feel and function into the future. For a better future of Sudbury, let’s start listening carefully to community concerns over development.

If there are concerns let’s say no to the current draft proposal, and work together to constructively change the plans that are causing the concern. Let’s find compromises and changes that will be amenable and ameliorate those concerns that community has brought forward.

Just to show you we are not just raising concerns, we are working to make a better plan too.
Here is the first alternative re-draft for the Nickeldale Royal Oaks and phase two of three moving towards Maley Extension.

Is the power of a whole community and all it’s living experience in these communities, enough brain power to serve as a real consultancy on par with some hired ‘professional’ consultancy, to help our handful of civic representatives, and staff at City Hall make important decisions that affects all of us, and our City’s future?

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Joe G
Joe G
2 years ago

This subdivision application is going to show us what direction the City is going.. It will show us where the vision of this Council is taking us. Are we designing for a better and more sustainable future. I wonder what Dr. Steven Monet at City Hall, thinks of this all? After all, he is in charge of our environmental and sustainability concerns. What does he think our subdivisions coming up for development should look like? How liveable, healthy, sustainable and environmentally integrated should they be?