What Council Members have said about Community

Council Member Robert Kirwan

“We need to be doing more to empower neighbourhood associations so that they can help bring back that good old spirit that existed in the 50’s and 60’s where neighbours knew each other and were more engaged in activities that improved the quality of life for everyone in the area.”

“As a council, we are encouraging citizen-led proposals for community improvements and opportunities to work in partnership with the general public.”

Council Member Joscelyne Landry-Altmann

“In the past terms I have advocated for the LIDs (low impact development ), concept integration in our site plans – better development, both municipally and privately.”

Council Member Mike Jakubo

“Quality of Life may be the single most important factor in determining whether or not you want to attend College or University, raise a family, live or grow old in Greater Sudbury. We need to continue to invest in our recreational & social infrastructure in order to keep up the momentum “

Council Member Geoff McCausland

A healthy city starts with healthy communities.”“I will work to ensure we properly maintain our trails and parks, support recreational programs and facilities, and strive for active living to be within reach of every Sudburian.”

I will work with citizens who are making community improvements to facilitate their work in whatever way I can. I will also work to ensure that communication from council about policies and decisions is clear and concise, and try to maintain an open dialogue with citizens where engagement and questioning is encouraged.

Council Member Al Sizer

“Although not quite there yet, I do support more use or more options for Public Information Sessions regarding planned projects. Included in that is a robust complaint response system which clearly provides residents with the status of their request made to the various city departments. I am also of the strong opinion that voicing suggestions to your elected representatives should provide an avenue for further discussion.”


Council Member Fern Cormier

“It is worth reviewing our citizen engagement methods. I would like to see city administration tap into the expertise that exists within our community in order to improve the engagement process. It is important that people be heard but just as important is that they see their suggestions and ideas reflected in the decisions that are recommended to Council.”

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2 years ago

The City has a system whereas community involvement and feedback can be had. It’s called the Community Action Network (CAN)
For Ward 12 there are 2 CANs. The FlourMIll area and… Unfortunately for the N/W (Montrose / Woodbine) quadrant, it fell apart a few years back for various reasons…
HOWEVER, If a new CAN were to start again, and-left-to-manage-itself, I’m sure there would be a lot of local interest.

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